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Payroll operations

Reject payroll. Moves payroll to terminal Rejected state. Action can be invoked on payroll in Open, Calculated or Accepted states.
Approve payroll. Moves payroll to Approved state and awaits for Employer acceptance. Action can be invoked on payroll in Calculated state.
Accept payroll. Moves payroll to Accepted state. It can be Revoked (move back to Approved) or Closed (terminal state). Action can be invoked on payroll in Approved state.
Close payroll. Moves payroll to terminal Closed state. Action can be invoked on payroll in Accepted state.
Reopen payroll. Moves payroll to Open sate. Action can be invoked on payroll in Calculated or Accepted states.
Revoke payroll. Moves payroll to Approved state. Action can be invoked on payroll in Accepted state.

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